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Satvik food befor pregrancy

The Importance of Sattvic Food Before Pregnancy

A major tenet of Ayurveda is that like influences like. So, in principle, if you consume a Sattvic diet, your Sattva Guna is empowered. Likewise, if you consume a Rajasic or Tamasic diet, the humour of these diet types will manifest in you, and consequently, in your future child as well. Hence, it is important to follow an Ayurvedic diet for pregnancy, before pregnancy or conception, when you prepare your body for childbirth.

To understand the importance of Sattvic diet, first it is important to understand why Sattvic Guna is considered better than the other two Gunas.

Understanding the Three Gunas

A person can have one of three Gunas, or mental temperaments, which are Sattvic (righteousness), Rajasic (agitation) or Tamasic (Ignorance).

Sattvic Individuals: A Sattvic person is always in a mental state of calm, clarity and harmony. The person is not influenced by external turbulence, emotions or agitations. Persons of this Guna are balanced in their approach with life as their power of concentration is strong and they are not delusional. Characteristics associated with such individuals are healthy, creative & spiritual. They show an intellectual bent of mind, are good speakers and have very sharp memories. They are also brave, strong and far-sighted.

Rajasic Individuals: A person of Rajasic guna is always very energetic, so much so, that they burn out excessively. Such individuals are usually in a state of restlessness, agitation and high energy. Rajasic individuals are achievers, but seldom happy with their achievements and they tend to blame others for failures. Characteristics associated with such individuals are strongly opinionated, egoistic, power-seekers, impatient and inconsistent. They may also be self-indulgent, angry, envious and greedy.

Tamasic Individuals: Tamas means darkness or ignorance, hence a person of this guna is full of ignorance, arrogance and is never happy. They are always dull, lethargic and inactive, hence they are not ambitious or bothered about pursuing greater things in life and remain in a state of discontent with themselves and the world around them. Characteristics associated with such individuals are hateful, cowardice, gluttony, lack of intelligence and unsteady.

As we have mentioned in our blog (Role of Ayurveda in Preconception), the Prakriti and Guna of an individual are decided when the foetus is formed. The Guna of the parents play an important role in influencing the characteristics of the child. So if you desire a Sattvic progeny, it is advisable to adopt and tread the path of Sattva yourself.

Gunas manifest in both physical and psychological aspects of a person. We look more deeply into the psychological aspects of how to lead a Sattvic life in our blog (Preparing to embark on the special journey called ‘parenthood’). Here let us explore the physical aspects, more specifically on diet, which is essential to the state and nature of our physique and psyche.

What is a Sattvic Diet?

Sattvic or Yogic diet is a combination of food items that are pure, essential, natural, clean and healthy. Such diets focus on seasonal fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, dairy products, nuts and seeds. By consuming a Sattvic diet, a person becomes enriched with the qualities that define Sattva.

The food we consume is divided in two forms. One form forms muscles, blood, bones and skin and the finest particles form the brain particles. The Chhandyogya Upanishad mentions, purity of food purifies the inner-nature, and a pure inner-nature leads to a pure mind. Hence, what we eat contributes to the formation of our body and brain.  

Ghee, a Sattvic food is considered to be nourishing, unctuous and soft. Ghee softens and strengthens the internal organs, increases Buddhi (Intelligence) and Smriti (memory). It boosts immunity and slows down the ageing process. Similarly, there are many other food items which are considered Sattvic and should be in your Ayurvedic pregnancy diet. Here is a list.

Cow`s milk, Cream, Cheese, Butter, Curd, Ghee, Sweet fruits, Apples, Bananas, Grapes, Papaya, Pomegranates, Mangoes, Oranges, Pears, Pineapples, Guavas, Figs, Vegetables, Coconut, Brinjals, Potatoes, Cabbages, Spinach, Tomatoes, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Cauliflower, Lady fingers, Peaches, Almonds, Pistachios, Raisins, Wheat, Red rice, Unpolished rice, Barley, Oat-meal, Dried peas, Dates, Sugar-candy, Green gram, Bengal gram, Green pulse, Groundnut, Cereals, Dried ginger, Myrobalan, Lemon, Honey, Charu

When you enrol for Jiva AyurBaby, your Health Coach will prepare a detailed diet chart after thorough consultation regarding your body constitution and Prakriti based on the (VPK test).